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Mentee Guidelines and Code of Conduct
Drafted by Syed Muhammad Aqib
The purpose of this document is to provide mentees with guidelines on how to approach the mentors, ethical and professional obligations, and how the process of coaching will work.
All the mentors are working voluntarily. They do not get any financial and otherwise incentive from NUSTIAN USA to coach.
Working process
The following process should be followed by all mentees to smoothly initiate the process of one-to-one mentoring.
Code of Conduct
Mentee Expectations:
Nustian USA Coaches Guidelines
Drafted by Sara Sultan
This document is meant for coaches to streamline the mentoring process and introduce them to the group management. The important documents are listed with their links in a step by step process. The guidelines also include tips for the 1-1 coaching and smooth communication.
Step 1: Registration
Please register yourself on this sheet for the record.
Step 2: Nustian email account (US based alumni only)
US based alumni can get a nustian email account if they are volunteering for coaches group tasks.
Step 3: Google drive
Get access to the shared drive folder:
Step 4: Assigning mentee
This sheet is being used for assignments where we assign mentors to a relevant mentee.
(Optional) We have a response sheet from mentoring applications form and you can take a look to choose a mentee: 20-21 Mentee Responses
Step 5: Email (Optional since Maira took the responsibility)
Once you get a mentee assigned, send them an email. Here’s the email body:
I have been assigned as your mentor for Nustian coaching 2021. We can work together to evaluate your profile, identify areas of improvement, review your essays and resume, and answer your general queries related to the application.
Before we start working on that, however, let’s confirm the medium of communication and the schedule.
Communication: NUSTIAN recommends communicating via email/WhatsApp in general and via zoom for meetings.
Schedule: I think biweekly meetings/updates would be good to track the progress. Do suggest if it is doable for you or otherwise.
For now, please complete these two tasks so that we could help you with your application.
If you are reluctant in sending an email yourself, please let us know in the group so that we may send it on your behalf at first.
Step 6: Coaching
Step 7: Evaluation and Feedback
Provide your feedback on the process and also ask your mentee to fill out the feedback form.
Feedback form link coaches only: https://forms.gle/PhcXcGucxEisEc44A
Feedback form link for mentees: https://forms.gle/QJLD1goJk5XCzwUe6
Step 8: Update the status
Update the status of your mentee in tab 2 of records sheet and add your name against him/her.
Optional collaboration
Sign up link:
Current volunteer tasks and leads:
Making forms, adding registered mentees to the group and assigning mentors, social media.
Contacting Nust UAO, making posters and writing content for marketing.
Collecting emails and managing google drive.
US: Nouman Sial, Arsalan Akhter
Canada: Kiran Ali, Sara Farrukh, Arsalan Ahmed
Organizing the frequently asked questions in a document and updating regularly.
Arranging webinars for interested mentors based on their response on signup sheet.
Writing on general topics for blogs to share on medium (https://medium.com/@nustianusa)